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Hi everyone. It’s been awhile since my last post. Seems that the House of Hope did not approve of my use of a laptop while being a resident in their facility. Well now I’m out (actually graduating with a diploma). God smiled down on me once again and provided me with a wonderful place to stay. I’m at the Walsh House on Chelmsford Sq North with Mark, the infamous Vince B. and the rest of the crew.

Things have been going very well. I’m at the point of trying to put a new career together. It’s not an easy task with my “past experiences” but I have faith that something wonderful is out there for me. I’ll be posting here regularly so keep checking back. I noticed that some of my previous posts have been a little personal but I am choosing to leave them as is as it shows where I was at in early sobriety. Thanks for checking this out and don’t forget…..Vince B., is speaking at the Hope Group on Sunday May 23rd at 7:00PM. Be there early.

This is the start of what I have no doubt will be the most satisfing year of my life. I am now surrounded by so many wonderful friends. What a gift. This must be a product of God’s grace because it is nothing I asked for or deserved. All of this has happened for me in only 4 short months.

The House of Hope has been a very safe place for me. Now is the time for me to take more positive action. I need to plan on where I will go and what I will do after leaving the house.

Another busy week in the books. I love my iPhone. I’m posting from the basement of the House of Hope. Not in my wildest dreams would I have thought I’d be so content to be unemployed, newly divorced, and in a 6 month residential treatment program, but I am at peace. The gallery hop should be fun. I think I’ll be by myself for most of the night but that will be fine. As soon as Florida-Alabama is over I’m getting dressed appropriately and heading up. How nice it is to be OK with life.

Hi everyone. It’s been awhile since my last post and a few things have happened. I had a great time on the overnight trip at Camp Mary Orton. Thanks Marci, Lisa, and Brandon for leading us on the hike. Our group kicked some serious butt and we were able to find the camp easily with only a map and a compass. Oh, I guess having Dennis who was trained in survival skills in the US Army helped a little too. Hey I’m no dummy when it comes to using the best resources available.

I did have a couple of minor injuries on the zip line such as a severe bruise on my left ankle and a pulled hamstring in my right leg. Strange enough I can still ride the elliptical at the gym with no pain. But walking home I limp like I’m crippled. Oh well at least I can still get some great exercise. I’m still at 35 minutes but now I’m at level 10. Weight is down, waist looks good, insulin is no longer needed. Yes things are good.

I am officially single. The divorce was finished on Tuesday. I have very mixed feelings. No sense to sugar coat it, I messed up a great, great thing. BUT I do feel satisfied that I did the right thing at this time. I didn’t want to add more pain to what I already have caused. I’ll never forget her.

God has plans for me. I’ll never know what he has in store but I know it’s good. I’m only starting what is becoming a wonderful journey. I hope to be kind, loving, and understanding to everyone I meet along the way. God bless you all.

What a beautiful day it is. I’m sitting on a bench in Goodale Park taking it all in. This is a great way to finish off a very satisfying week. I’ve made some good decisions this week. How nice it is to be at peace with myself knowing I’m doing my very best.

What a learning experience, what a gift to have this time to work on myself. Peace to all. Go Buck’s.

A very good weekend. I was able to get a ride to Downtown Dublin for the Friday meeting. Had a great meeting Saturday morning back at Dublin. Saturday night was topped off with a 2nd meeting followed by the gallery hop with James. Good sober fun. I cranked out 35 minutes on the elliptical at Oxygen gym. I’m ready to kiss the insulin goodbye.

End of a great weekend. I almost screwed it up making contact with KG. It’s hard for me to let go but that’s what I must do in order to become the person I want to be. God will guide me if I let him. Goodnight to all.

Another great day. Joining Oxygen Health & Fitness was a great move. I’m back in shape and soon my Lantus will be a thing of the past (again). It’s already down 60%.  I’m so greatful to be here. What a gift this is.

Ok now for the picture. Chris S. is one crazy dude. I swear-he usually wears regular clothes. And the pig-tails are a little unusual. Shows how a day of therapy can affect the guys around here. Does anyone know the emergency number for Netcare. 😉

Madeline’s concert Monday night 11/2/09 was the best birthday present ever. I’m starting to reconnect with all 3 of my girls. That I consider myself the luckiest dad alive goes without saying. Thanks to Mary Ann for providing transportation to Worthington Christian Church.